Company Identification:
Company Name: Avant Garde Middle East General Trading LLC License Number: 1106647 Registered Office Address: Villa 42, Street 56, Al Quoz 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Parcel ID: 5991900 Hosting: Shopify Inc. , 126 York St. , Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 5T5, Canada Contact Information: Num : +971 55 888 7778
Luxury second hand resellers Regulation: The company is governed by the laws and regulations in force in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates.
Intellectual Property: All content present on the sites, products, or services of Avant Garde Middle East General Trading LLC, including, but not limited to, texts, images, designs, photographs, videos, etc., are the exclusive property of Avant Garde Middle East General Trading LLC, unless stated otherwise.
Changes to Legal Mentions: Avant Garde Middle East General Trading LLC reserves the right to modify these legal mentions at any time. Users are encouraged to regularly review them.
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction: Any dispute in connection with the use of the services of Avant Garde Middle East General Trading LLC is subject to the law of the United Arab Emirates and shall be exclusively governed by the courts of Dubai.